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Meet the author: 5 minutes with Margaret Meyer

The renowned Bury St. Edmunds Literature Festival is a yearly feast for book lovers and aspiring writers. This year, one of the highlights of the festival is the opportunity to meet the author, Margaret Meyer. In this blog post, we will delve into a candid discussion with Margaret about her literary journey, inspirations, and what she looks forward to in the festival.

Early Heroes and Inspirations

Margaret Meyer grew up in New Zealand, where she was influenced by several remarkable individuals. "Dame Whina Cooper, a Maori activist, particularly for Maori women's rights, was utterly steadfast and became one of my heroes," she recalls. "Quite early on, I discovered the work of Eleanor Farjeon whose book 'The Silver Curlew' is set in Norfolk. I was so fascinated by it that I yearned to live in Norfolk for years." Her literary heroines have evolved over time, with Tony Morrison, Hilary Mantel, and Ursula le Guin being her current favorites. "Their distinct storytelling styles and deep characters have always been a source of inspiration for me," she says.

Writing Journey

When asked about what sparked her interest in writing, Margaret shared, "I've always wanted to write - from childhood. I was a voracious reader (and still am). Life intervened for a very long time, although my career always involved being around writers. I finally started writing seriously when my children left home."

Anticipations for the Bury St Edmunds Literature Festival

Margaret is looking forward to engaging with readers and sampling the festival buzz at the Bury St Edmunds Lit Fest. She will be talking about her novel 'The Witching Tide', set during the East Anglian witch trials of 1645-7, England's deadliest witch hunt. "I dedicated the book to the women who lost their lives in it," she says. "With other panellists, we will be discussing what makes a 'witch', both historically and now."

Reading Recommendations and Personal Tidbits

For those looking for book recommendations, Margaret has a couple of suggestions. "On my TBR (To Be Read) pile is Danielle Evans' 'Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self'. I'm recommending to everyone Noreen Masud's 'A Flat Place'," she shares. When asked about a fun fact that her readers may not know about her, Margaret reveals, "I'm completely addicted to strength training, especially deadlifting."

Don't Miss Out!

The Bury St. Edmunds Literature Festival will be held from the 20th to the 22nd of October 2023, celebrating books and writing in the heart of East Anglia. Margaret Meyer's session, 'The Women They Called Witches', is scheduled for 7.30pm on Sunday, the 22nd of October. For more details and to book your tickets, visit

Don't miss out on this opportunity to immerse yourself in literature, meet the author, and engage in enlightening discussions!

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