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Meet the author: 5 minutes with Matt Gaw.

The Bury St Edmunds Literature Festival is just around the corner, and one of the highlights is a session with local author Matt Gaw as her discusses his most recent work IN ALL WEATHERS on Sunday 13th October at 12pm at the Unitarian Meeting House Bury St Edmunds.

Here's a sneak peek into some of Matt’s influences to get you excited for his appearance at the festival.

Literary Influences

Matt Gaw has drawn inspiration from a range of sources, but one of his standout heroes is Aldo Leopold. Leopold was an American writer, philosopher, naturalist, scientist, ecologist, forester, conservationist, and environmentalist. His multifaceted approach to understanding and preserving the natural world has clearly influenced Gaw's own work and ethos.

Journey Into Writing

Matt Gaw's journey into writing was sparked during his Aesthetics MA. Influenced by the works of Roger Deakin and Kathleen Jamie, he found his voice in exploring the intersections of nature, experience, and human emotion. This academic and literary grounding paved the way for his unique narrative style.

Latest Book: In All Weathers

At the festival, Matt Gaw will discuss his latest book, In All Weathers. This work delves into the rich tapestry of British weather, capturing the essence of the Isles' ever-changing climate. It's a celebration of embracing the elements and finding beauty and meaning in the natural world.

Anticipation for the Festival

One of the aspects Matt Gaw is most excited about is the venue itself. The Unitarian Meeting House, known for its historical beauty, provides a perfect backdrop for literary discussion and reflection. Gaw's talk promises to be an engaging experience in an equally enchanting setting.

Book Recommendations

For those looking to expand their reading lists, Matt Gaw recommends The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enriquez. This book is currently on his 'to read' pile, suggesting it offers the kind of intriguing storytelling that appeals to his literary tastes.

About the Festival

The Bury St Edmunds Literature Festival is a celebration of the written word, bringing together authors, readers, and literary enthusiasts from all walks of life. It's a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of books, meet your favorite authors, and discover new voices.

How to Attend

Don't miss the chance to see Matt Gaw and many other inspiring authors at this year's festival. Tickets are available now, so be sure to book your spot.

Join us for a memorable journey through literature at the Bury St Edmunds Literature Festival!

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